Welcome to the Macro-to-Micro-via-Meso (M2MvM) Lab
We are a curiosity-driven computational research group in the Macromolecular Science & Engineering Department.
The group is interested in problems at the intersection of Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Material Science, Computation, and Machine Learning. We develop multi-scale simulation schemes and use machine learning to build up predictable constitutive models that can answer questions like:
How and why do the particulate systems, like concrete, battery electrolytes, polymers, etc., behave the way they do?
Can we use simulations to understand experimental behavior?
How do we relate the introductory microscale physics and chemistry to tune/manipulate the bulk response of the materials?
How to use and develop tools from network science and complex system theory to understand the flow and dynamics of biological, industrial, and natural systems?
10/12/2024 Armin Aminimajd awarded travel grand for Society of Rheology
4/3/2024 Orhun Ayar chosen as 2024 recipient of the Callahan Fellowship
11/15/2023 Ryan Papalardo and Alessandro D’Amico Awarded for Outstanding Research by the Board of Trustees
10/29/2023 We are featured at the Cover of MRS Communication Issue
10/10/2023 Our work is featured at the Back Cover of Soft Matter.
08/14/2023 Second Paper Accepted! “Hidden hierarchy in the rheology of dense suspensions.” Find it in MRS Communications
08/10/2023 First Paper Published! “Scaling relationships between viscosity and diffusivity in shear-thickening suspensions.” Find it in Soft Matter
08/01/2023 Abhi presented an invited seminar at Sherwin Williams, Cleveland
04/24/2023 Ryan Papalardo has been awarded SOURCE funding to perform the summer internship in the group.
04/13/2023 Abhi presented in CWRU Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department Seminar Series
03/03/2023 Abhi presented in CWRU Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department Seminar Series
02/02/2023 Congratulations Alessandro D'Amico & Ryan Papalardo on winning second place in the “Nestle Innovation Challenge” Competition!! The project will be a 3 month discovery project related to formation of ice crystals in frozen Nestle food.
02/02/2023 Abhi presented in CWRU Chemistry Department Seminar Series
01/18/2023 Welcome Lucas, Temple, and Caroline to the group as EMAC 125 students
09/05/2022 Welcome Ryan Papalardo and Alessandro D'Amico to the group as EMAC 125 students
08/15/2022 PRL in collaboration with Safa Jamali (Northwestern University) featured in #PRLtrending for the week of 2022-08-15
08/05/2022 PRL in collaboration with Safa Jamali (Northwestern University) got to the cover of PRL!
07/26/2022 Participated as discussion leader in Granular Physics GRC!
07/18/2022 Joined the Case Western Macromolecular Science and Engineering Faculty